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发表于 2018-9-3 18:08:17
- program syj; {erfen ans+range covering_using bingcha set}
- const
- maxn=25000+5;
- var n,q,nn,l,r,mid,i:longint;
- x,c,p,f,color:array[0..maxn*4]of longint;
- a:array[1..maxn]of longint;
- procedure sort1(l,r:longint);
- var i,j,k,z:longint;
- begin
- i:=l;j:=r;k:=x[(l+r) div 2];
- repeat
- while x[i]<k do inc(i);
- while x[j]>k do dec(j);
- if i<=j then begin
- z:=x[i];x[i]:=x[j];x[j]:=z;
- z:=c[i];c[i]:=c[j];c[j]:=z;
- inc(i);dec(j);
- end;
- until i>j;
- if l<j then sort1(l,j);
- if i<r then sort1(i,r);
- end;
- procedure sort2(l,r:longint);
- var i,j,k,kk,z:longint;
- begin
- i:=l;j:=r;k:=a[c[(l+r) div 2]];kk:=p[c[(l+r) div 2]];
- repeat
- while (a[c[i]]>k) or (a[c[i]]=k)and(p[c[i]]<kk) do inc(i);
- while (a[c[j]]<k) or (a[c[j]]=k)and(p[c[j]]>kk) do dec(j);
- if i<=j then begin
- z:=c[i];c[i]:=c[j];c[j]:=z;
- inc(i);dec(j);
- end;
- until i>j;
- if l<j then sort2(l,j);
- if i<r then sort2(i,r);
- end;
- function find(x:longint):longint;
- begin
- if f[x]<>x then f[x]:=find(f[x]); find:=f[x];
- end;
- function check(kk:longint):boolean;
- var u,i,j,k,l,r,ii,ll,rr:longint;
- ok:boolean;
- begin
- for i:=1 to kk do c[i]:=i;
- sort2(1,kk);
- for i:=1 to nn do begin f[i]:=i;color[i]:=0; end;
- k:=1;
- for i:=1 to kk do if (i=kk)or(a[c[i]]<>a[c[i+1]]) then begin
- l:=p[c[k]];r:=p[c[k]+q];ll:=l;rr:=r;
- for u:=k+1 to i do begin
- ii:=c[u];
- if p[ii]>ll then ll:=p[ii];
- if p[ii+q]<rr then rr:=p[ii+q];
- if ll>rr then exit(false);
- if p[ii+q]>r then r:=p[ii+q];
- end;
- j:=find(r);
- while j>=l do begin
- if color[j]=0 then color[j]:=a[c[i]]; f[j]:=l; j:=find(j-1);
- end;
- ok:=false;
- for ii:=ll to rr do if color[ii]=a[c[i]] then begin ok:=true;break; end;
- if not ok then exit(false);
- k:=i+1;
- end;
- check:=true;
- end;
- begin
- readln(n,q);
- for i:=1 to q do begin
- readln(x[i],x[i+q],a[i]);
- c[i]:=i;c[i+q]:=i+q;
- end;
- sort1(1,q*2);
- for i:=1 to q*2 do
- p[c[i]]:=p[c[i-1]]+ord(x[i]<>x[i-1])*(ord(x[i]-x[i-1]>1)+1);
- nn:=p[c[q*2]];
- l:=1;r:=q;
- while l<r do begin
- mid:=(l+r+1) div 2;
- if check(mid) then l:=mid
- else r:=mid-1;
- end;
- if l=q then l:=0 else inc(l);
- writeln(l);
- close(input);
- close(output);
- end.
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